Friday, 25 July 2014

Be Competitive!

Today marked the first day of competition at the 20th Commonwealth Games in the proud host city of Glasgow. As we watch motivated sports men and women achieve their life time goals, and admire their determination, it's not unnatural to envy that feeling of success. 

However, the years of training, the gritted teeth and the tears of pain that bring these athletes to their peak, are a result of something that lies within us all. A competitive nature. (Key word here being nature, it's only human!) It may not be enlightened by the field of sport, it can be anything in life from desperately wanting a specific job, to going to obsurd (and often disguised) lengths to get the attention of that person you find attractive. Whatever it is, if you listen to your inner competitive self, you will discover what it is you want. 

Psychologist Lisa Firestone describes the negative effects of turning a blind eye to our competitive nature: 
• We become cynical and unproductive. 
• Develop jealousy. 
• Turn to gossip as a release. 
• Deny what it is we really want - self denial. 

Listening to your competitive nature doesn't have to mean being selfish and narrow minded to get what you want, regardless of side effects. It can mean being the best that you can be. Personally, I'm more competitive with myself than with anything or anyone external. But it serves as priceless motivation. 

So, my 'did you know' for today shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but it should be reinforced. However, did you know we can all succeed if we strive to what we actually want? Surprising!

Be competitive! 

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